21 Aug 2015

naus: Changing the Way Waste Strategy is Done

We are pleased to announce the commercial release of the naus Waste Intelligence platform for general market availability.  There is a free, 60-day trial available at naus.com

Globally, waste is a bigger issue than climate change. The challenge of reducing waste is immense.  The only way to meet this challenge is by using innovative strategies to guide waste management practices.  At present, this process is less than optimal: waste strategy planning and options appraisals can be complex, time-consuming and expensive.  However, it doesn’t need to be.  Now there is a better way.

Introducing the naus Waste Intelligence platform.  It will change the way waste strategy planning is done.  Intuitive, powerful and transparent, it attacks the inefficiency in the waste marketplace today.

naus is designed for waste advisors and allows them to dramatically lift the availability, quality and consistency of waste data.  It provides a standards-based digital framework for capturing, analysing and interpreting data in a transparent manner.  Information is stored securely in the Cloud, offering a single source of the truth for clients and advisors to better collaborate.

At the core of naus is a powerful modelling and visualisation engine that is able to simulate any number of waste management scenarios to plan for future demand.  Considering all of the options is now easily achievable.  With an intuitive information display naus can clearly and concisely portray a complex waste management ecosystem in a way that drives fast, informed decision-making.  Predicting system capacity and potential points of failure is made simple. Ultimately this will guide better decision-making for infrastructure investment and waste management policy.

Want to learn more? Sign up for a free 60-day trial at naus.com.


For more information, please contact:

Sean Richards

Marketing Manager

E: seanr@naus.com

P: +614 1741 4637